JLC intends to make the DES Shandong assessments to be benchmarks for crude trading in the near future.

JLC DES Shandong Imported Crude Assessments View Crude Price Assessment Methodology

  • Daily
  • Weekly Avg.
  • Monthly Avg.
Grade Delivery Date Benchmark Publication Date Premium($/bbl) Outright Price($/bbl) Outright Price(CNY/mt) View
Low High Mid Low High Average
ESPO 2024-07-26

The maximum number of selected data items is six.

Tupi(Lula) 2024-07-26

The maximum number of selected data items is six.

Djeno 2024-07-26

The maximum number of selected data items is six.

Oman 2024-07-26

The maximum number of selected data items is six.

JS 2024-07-26

The maximum number of selected data items is six.

JS refers to Norwegian Johan Sverdrup crude